


Option Explicit
Private Indent          As Integer
Private Prefix          As String
Private FH              As Object
Private FlagNotime          As Boolean
Private FlagDebugPrint  As Boolean

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub DebugPrint(ByVal VarName As Variant, Optional ByVal Filename As String = "Debug.txt", _
               Optional ByVal TypeNameFlag As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal IndentCount As Integer = 4, _
               Optional NotimeFlag As Boolean = False, Optional DebugPrintFlag As Boolean = False)
    'VarName: データ構造を知りたい変数名を指定
    'Indentcount: 配列、コレクション、Dictionaryなどネストして表示されるデータの全角スペースの数
    If Indent = 0 Then
        FlagNotime = NotimeFlag
        FlagDebugPrint = DebugPrintFlag
        If Not FlagDebugPrint Then Call FileOpen(Filename)
    End If
    Dim i As Long
    Dim key As Variant
    If TypeName(VarName) = "Byte" Or TypeName(VarName) = "Integer" Or _
       TypeName(VarName) = "Long" Or TypeName(VarName) = "String" Or _
       TypeName(VarName) = "Single" Or TypeName(VarName) = "Double" Or _
       TypeName(VarName) = "Currency" Or TypeName(VarName) = "Date" Or _
       TypeName(VarName) = "Boolean" Or TypeName(VarName) = "Boolean" Then
        Call Output(TypeName(VarName), IndentCount, TypeNameFlag, VarName)

    ElseIf TypeName(VarName) = "Empty" Or TypeName(VarName) = "Null" Or _
           TypeName(VarName) = "Nothing" Or TypeName(VarName) = "Unknown" Then
        Call Output(TypeName(VarName), IndentCount, TypeNameFlag)
    ElseIf 0 < InStr(TypeName(VarName), "()") Then
        Dim temp As Integer, Dimension As Integer
        On Error Resume Next
        temp = UBound(VarName, 3)
        If Err.Number = 0 Then
            MsgBox "配列は3次元配列以上は未対応です"
        End If
        temp = UBound(VarName, 2)
        Dimension = IIf(Err.Number = 0, 2, 1)
        On Error GoTo 0
        Call Output(TypeName(VarName), IndentCount, TypeNameFlag)
        Indent = Indent + 1
        If Dimension = 1 Then
            For i = 0 To UBound(VarName)
                Prefix = "(" & i & "): "
                Call DebugPrint(VarName(i), IndentCount, TypeNameFlag)
        ElseIf Dimension = 2 Then
            Dim ii As Long
            For i = 0 To UBound(VarName, 1)
                For ii = 0 To UBound(VarName, 2)
                    Prefix = "(" & i & "," & ii & "): "
                    Call DebugPrint(VarName(i, ii), IndentCount, TypeNameFlag)
        End If
        Indent = Indent - 1
    ElseIf TypeName(VarName) = "Collection" Then

        Call Output(TypeName(VarName), IndentCount, TypeNameFlag)
        Indent = Indent + 1
        For i = 1 To VarName.Count
            Prefix = i & ":"
            Call DebugPrint(VarName.Item(i), IndentCount, TypeNameFlag)
        Indent = Indent - 1
    ElseIf TypeName(VarName) = "Dictionary" Then

        Call Output(TypeName(VarName), IndentCount, TypeNameFlag)
        Indent = Indent + 1
        For Each key In VarName
            Prefix = "[" & TypeName(key) & "]" & key & " => "
            Call DebugPrint(VarName.Item(key), IndentCount, TypeNameFlag)
        Indent = Indent - 1
    End If
    If Indent = 0 And Not FlagDebugPrint Then Call FileClose
End Sub

Sub Output(ByVal TypeVarName As String, ByVal IndentCount As Integer, ByVal TypeNameFlag As Boolean, Optional ByVal VarName As Variant = "")
    If IndentCount < 0 Then IndentCount = 0
    Dim OutPutData As String
    If TypeNameFlag Then
        OutPutData = String(Indent * IndentCount, " ") & Prefix & "[" & TypeVarName & "]" & VarName & vbCrLf
        If FlagDebugPrint Then
            Debug.Print Replace(OutPutData, vbCrLf, "") '改行ははずす
            FH.Write OutPutData
        End If
        If 0 < InStrRev(Prefix, "]") Then
            Prefix = Right(Prefix, Len(Prefix) - InStrRev(Prefix, "]"))
        End If
        If 0 < InStr(TypeVarName, "()") Or TypeVarName = "Collection" Or TypeVarName = "Dictionary" Then
            OutPutData = String(Indent * IndentCount, " ") & Prefix & "[" & TypeVarName & "]" & VarName & vbCrLf
            If FlagDebugPrint Then
                Debug.Print Replace(OutPutData, vbCrLf, "") '改行ははずす
                FH.Write OutPutData
            End If
            OutPutData = String(Indent * IndentCount, " ") & Prefix & VarName & vbCrLf
            If FlagDebugPrint Then
                Debug.Print Replace(OutPutData, vbCrLf, "") '改行ははずす
                FH.Write OutPutData
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Prefix = ""
End Sub

Private Sub FileOpen(ByVal Filename As String)
    If 0 = InStr(Filename, ".txt") Then Filename = Filename & ".txt"
    Dim FSO As Object, FilePath As String
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    If FlagNotime Then
        FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Filename
        Set FH = FSO.OPenTextFile(FilePath, 2, True)
        FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\(" & Replace(Time, ":", "") & ")" & Filename
        Set FH = FSO.OPenTextFile(FilePath, 8, True)
    End If
    Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub FileClose()
    Set FH = Nothing
    Sleep (1000) '同名ファイルに出力されるのを避けるため、1秒時間をおいている
End Sub

Private Sub SampleCode1()
    Dim varString   As String:   varString = "文字列"
    Dim varInteger  As Integer:  varInteger = 3
    Dim varLong     As Long:     varLong = 3
    Dim varDouble   As Double:   varDouble = 3.5
    Dim varBoolean  As Boolean:  varBoolean = True

    Dim varArray(2) As Variant
        varArray(0) = varString
        varArray(1) = varInteger
        varArray(2) = varBoolean
    '実行Excelファイルと同階層に (時間)Debug.txt として出力されます
    Call DebugPrint(varArray)
    '  (0): 文字列
    '  (1): 3
    '  (2): True
End Sub

Private Sub SampleCode2()
    Dim varString   As String:   varString = "文字列"
    Dim varInteger  As Integer:  varInteger = 3
    Dim varLong     As Long:     varLong = 3
    Dim varDouble   As Double:   varDouble = 3.5
    Dim varBoolean  As Boolean:  varBoolean = True

    Dim varArray(2) As Variant
        varArray(0) = varString
        varArray(1) = varInteger
        varArray(2) = varBoolean
    Dim varDic As Object
    Set varDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    varDic.Add "配列1", varArray
    varDic.Add "配列2", Array("a", "b", "c")
    '実行Excelファイルと同階層に (時間)Debug.txt として出力されます
    Call DebugPrint(varDic)
    '配列1 => [Variant()]
    '  (0): 文字列
    '  (1): 3
    '  (2): True
    '配列2 => [Variant()]
    '  (0): a
    '  (1): b
    '  (2): c
End Sub

Private Sub SampleCode3()
    Dim varString   As String:   varString = "文字列"
    Dim varInteger  As Integer:  varInteger = 3
    Dim varLong     As Long:     varLong = 3
    Dim varDouble   As Double:   varDouble = 3.5
    Dim varBoolean  As Boolean:  varBoolean = True

    Dim varArray(2) As Variant
        varArray(0) = varString
        varArray(1) = varInteger
        varArray(2) = varBoolean
    Dim varDic As Object
    Set varDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    varDic.Add "配列1", varArray
    varDic.Add "配列2", Array("a", "b", "c")
    'Q And A
    ' なんとかしてほしい
    ' ⇒Filenameオプションにファイル名を指定してください
    Call DebugPrint(varArray, Filename:="Array.txt")
    Call DebugPrint(varDic, Filename:="Dictionary") '拡張子は書かなくても自動的.txtになります
End Sub

Private Sub SampleCode4()
    Dim varString   As String:   varString = "文字列"
    Dim varInteger  As Integer:  varInteger = 3
    Dim varLong     As Long:     varLong = 3
    Dim varDouble   As Double:   varDouble = 3.5
    Dim varBoolean  As Boolean:  varBoolean = True

    Dim varArray(2) As Variant
        varArray(0) = varString
        varArray(1) = varInteger
        varArray(2) = varBoolean
    Dim varDic As Object
    Set varDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    varDic.Add "配列1", varArray
    varDic.Add "配列2", Array("a", "b", "c")
    'Q And A
    ' 何度も何度も消すのがめんどくさい。ゴミ箱がひどいことになる・・・
    ' ⇒NotimeFlagオプションをTrueにしてください
    Call DebugPrint(varDic, Filename:="上書きテスト")
    Call DebugPrint(varDic, Filename:="上書きテスト") '通常だと(時間)上書きテスト.txt が時間ごとに作られる
    Call DebugPrint(varDic, Filename:="上書きテスト", NotimeFlag:=True)
    Call DebugPrint(varDic, Filename:="上書きテスト", NotimeFlag:=True)
    Call DebugPrint(varDic, Filename:="上書きテスト", NotimeFlag:=True) '上書きテスト.txt が一つだけ作られる(一番最後に実行したものだけが残る)
End Sub

Private Sub SampleCode5()
    Dim varString   As String:   varString = "文字列"
    Dim varInteger  As Integer:  varInteger = 3
    Dim varLong     As Long:     varLong = 3
    Dim varDouble   As Double:   varDouble = 3.5
    Dim varBoolean  As Boolean:  varBoolean = True

    Dim varArray(2) As Variant
        varArray(0) = varString
        varArray(1) = varInteger
        varArray(2) = varBoolean
    Dim varDic As Object
    Set varDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    varDic.Add "配列1", varArray
    varDic.Add "配列2", Array("a", "b", "c")
    'Q And A
    ' されますが、あの幅が好みじゃない・・・。
    ' ⇒IndentCountオプションを指定してください
    Call DebugPrint(varDic, IndentCount:=5)
    '     配列1 => [Variant()]
    '          (0): 文字列
    '          (1): 3
    '          (2): True
    '     配列2 => [Variant()]
    '          (0): a
    '          (1): b
    '          (2): c
End Sub

Private Sub SampleCode6()
    Dim varString   As String:   varString = "文字列"
    Dim varInteger  As Integer:  varInteger = 3
    Dim varLong     As Long:     varLong = 3
    Dim varDouble   As Double:   varDouble = 3.5
    Dim varBoolean  As Boolean:  varBoolean = True

    Dim varArray(2) As Variant
        varArray(0) = varString
        varArray(1) = varInteger
        varArray(2) = varBoolean
    Dim varDic As Object
    Set varDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    varDic.Add "配列1", varArray
    varDic.Add "配列2", Array("a", "b", "c")
    'Q And A
    ' ⇒TypeNameFlagオプションをTrueにしてください
    Call DebugPrint(varDic, TypeNameFlag:=True)
    '[String] 配列1 >= [Variant()]
    '  (0): [String]文字列
    '  (1): [Integer]3
    '  (2): [Boolean]True
    '[String] 配列2 >= [Variant()]
    '  (0): [String]a
    '  (1): [String]b
    '  (2): [String]c
End Sub

Private Sub SampleCode7()
    Dim varString   As String:   varString = "文字列"
    Dim varInteger  As Integer:  varInteger = 3
    Dim varLong     As Long:     varLong = 3
    Dim varDouble   As Double:   varDouble = 3.5
    Dim varBoolean  As Boolean:  varBoolean = True

    Dim varArray(2) As Variant
        varArray(0) = varString
        varArray(1) = varInteger
        varArray(2) = varBoolean
    Dim varDic As Object
    Set varDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    varDic.Add "配列1", varArray
    varDic.Add "配列2", Array("a", "b", "c")
    'Q And A
    ' ⇒DebugPrintFlagをTrueにしてください
    Call DebugPrint(varDic, DebugPrintFlag:=True)
End Sub


Option Explicit

Dim xmlObj      As Object
Dim xmlAttr     As Object
Dim xmlNode     As Object
Dim xmlString   As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Set xmlObj = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    xmlObj.async = False
    xmlObj.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
    xmlObj.appendChild xmlObj.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'")
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set xmlObj = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub XMLin(ByVal data As Variant)
    If TypeName(data) = "String" Then
        Call FileLoad(data)
    ElseIf TypeName(data) = "Dictionary" Then
        Call judgeTypeName(data)
        Call Die("XMLinメソッドは、String型またはDictionary型のみを取ることができます" & vbCrLf & _
                 "引数の型:" & TypeName(data))
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub XMLout(ByVal FilePath As String)
    xmlObj.Save FilePath
End Sub

Public Function XPath(ByVal strXPath As String)
    xmlObj.loadXML xmlString
    Set XPath = xmlObj.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
End Function

Private Sub FileLoad(ByVal FilePath As Variant)
    Dim FH  As Object
    Dim FSO As Object
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    xmlString = ""
    If Not FSO.FileExists(FilePath) Then Call Die("FileLoadメソッド:ファイルは存在しません" & vbCrLf & "FilePath:" & FilePath)
    Set FH = FSO.OPenTextFile(FilePath, 1)
    Do While Not FH.AtEndOfStream
        xmlString = xmlString & FH.ReadLine
    Set FH = Nothing
    Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub judgeTypeName(ByRef data As Variant)
    Dim counter As Long
    Dim key     As Variant
    Call AddAttributeNode(data)
    For Each key In data
        counter = counter + 1
        If AddXmlNode(key) Then GoTo NextForLoop

        If TypeName(key) = "Dictionary" Then
            Call judgeTypeName(key)
            If counter = data.Count Then _
                Set xmlNode = xmlNode.parentNode
        ElseIf TypeName(data(key)) = "Collection" Then
            Call judgeTypeName(data(key))
        ElseIf TypeName(data(key)) = "Dictionary" Then
            Call judgeTypeName(data(key))
            If counter = data.Count Then _
                Set xmlNode = xmlNode.parentNode
        ElseIf TypeName(data(key)) = "String" Then
            Call AddChildText(data(key))
            Call Die("judgeTypeNameメソッドエラー:")
            Debug.Print ""
        End If
End Sub

Private Sub AddChildText(ByVal ChildText As String)
    Set xmlNode = xmlNode.appendChild(xmlObj.createTextNode(ChildText))
    Set xmlNode = xmlNode.parentNode
    Set xmlNode = xmlNode.parentNode
End Sub

Private Sub AddAttributeNode(ByRef data As Variant)
    Dim key As Variant
    For Each key In data
        If TypeName(key) <> "String" Then GoTo NextForEach
        If key = "@" Then
            Call Die("AddAttributeNodeメソッドエラー:属性名がありません")
        ElseIf Left(key, 1) = "@" Then
            Set xmlAttr = xmlNode.Attributes.setNamedItem(xmlObj.createAttribute(Mid(key, 2, Len(key))))
            xmlAttr.nodeValue = data(key)
        End If

End Sub

Private Function AddXmlNode(ByRef key As Variant)
    If TypeName(key) <> "String" Then
        Exit Function
    ElseIf key = "" Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    If xmlNode Is Nothing Then
        Set xmlNode = xmlObj.appendChild(xmlObj.CreateElement(key))
        If Left(key, 1) <> "@" Then
        '@で始まらない時は、子要素として登録。 False(0)を返す
            Set xmlNode = xmlNode.appendChild(xmlObj.CreateElement(key))
            AddXmlNode = 0
            AddXmlNode = 1
       End If
    End If
End Function

Private Sub Die(ByVal msg As String)
    MsgBox "下記理由により終了します" & vbCrLf & _
End Sub


Option Explicit

Dim data()              As String
Dim DataCellObj         As Object
Dim DataSheetObj        As Object
Dim x                   As Long
Dim y                   As Long
Dim DelColumn           As Long
Dim FlagTransposeError  As Boolean

Public Property Let DeleteColumn(ByVal Num As Long)
DelColumn = Num
End Property

Public Property Get DeleteColumn() As Long
DeleteColumn = DelColumn
End Property

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

x = -1
y = -1

End Sub

Public Sub BorderLine(Optional ByVal Sht As Worksheet, Optional ByVal Cell As String, _
Optional ByVal LineStyle As Integer = xlContinuous, _
Optional Weight As Integer = xlThin, _
Optional ColorIndex As Integer = xlAutomatic)

Dim BaseRow     As Long
Dim BaseCol     As Long
Dim RangeObj    As Object

If Not Sht Is Nothing Then Set DataSheetObj = Sht
If DataCellObj Is Nothing Then Call Die("Sheetobjが設定されていません")

If Cell <> "" Then Set DataCellObj = DataSheetObj.Range(Cell)
If DataCellObj Is Nothing Then Call Die("開始のセル情報がありません")

If y < 0 Then Exit Sub
    BaseRow = DataCellObj.Row
    BaseCol = DataCellObj.Column
    Set RangeObj = DataSheetObj.Range(DataSheetObj.Cells(BaseRow, BaseCol), DataSheetObj.Cells(BaseRow + y, BaseCol + x))
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = LineStyle
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight = Weight
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).ColorIndex = ColorIndex

    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = LineStyle
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = Weight
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeTop).ColorIndex = ColorIndex
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = LineStyle
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = Weight
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = ColorIndex
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = LineStyle
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = Weight
    RangeObj.Borders(xlEdgeRight).ColorIndex = ColorIndex
    If 0 < x Then
        RangeObj.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = LineStyle
        RangeObj.Borders(xlInsideVertical).Weight = Weight
        RangeObj.Borders(xlInsideVertical).ColorIndex = ColorIndex
    End If
    If 0 < y Then
        RangeObj.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = LineStyle
        RangeObj.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).Weight = Weight
        RangeObj.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).ColorIndex = ColorIndex
    End If

End Sub

Public Function Count()
    If x = -1 And y = -1 Then
        Count = 0
        Count = UBound(data, 2) + 1

    End If
End Function

Public Function Item(ByVal a As Long, ByVal B As Long, Optional ByVal Str As Variant)

    If IsMissing(Str) Then
        Item = data(a, B)
        data(a, B) = Str
    End If

End Function

Public Function Join(ByVal Ele02 As Long, ByVal delimiter As String)
    Dim i    As Long
    Dim temp As String
    For i = 0 To UBound(data, 1)
        temp = temp & data(i, Ele02) & IIf(i = UBound(data, 1), "", delimiter)

    Join = temp
End Function

Public Function Last()

    Last = UBound(data, 2)

End Function

Private Function TransposeData()
    Dim S        As Long
    Dim t        As Long
    Dim TPData() As String
    ReDim TPData(y, x)
    For S = 0 To y
        For t = 0 To x
            TPData(S, t) = data(t, S)
    TransposeData = TPData
End Function

Public Function Value() As String()

    Value = data()

End Function

Public Sub Add(ByRef list As Variant)
    Dim i As Long
    If x = -1 Then
        If TypeName(list) = "Variant()" Or TypeName(list) = "String()" Then
            x = UBound(list)
            x = 0
        End If
    End If
    y = y + 1
    ReDim Preserve data(x, y)
    If TypeName(list) = "Variant()" Or TypeName(list) = "String()" Then
        For i = 0 To x
            On Error Resume Next
            data(i, y) = list(i)
            If 255 < Len(list(i)) Then FlagTransposeError = True
            On Error GoTo 0
        data(x, y) = list
        If 255 < Len(list) Then FlagTransposeError = True
    End If

End Sub

Public Sub Clear()
    Erase data
    DelColumn = -1
    x = -1
    y = -1
    FlagTransposeError = False

End Sub

Private Sub Die(ByVal msg As String)
    MsgBox "下記理由により終了します" & vbCrLf & msg

End Sub

Public Function Output(ByVal Sht As Worksheet, ByVal Cell As String, Optional ByVal KeyIndexNumber As Long = -1)
    Dim BaseRow As Long
    Dim BaseCol As Long
    If -1 < KeyIndexNumber Then
        Call OverLapCheck(KeyIndexNumber)
    End If
    BaseRow = Sht.Range(Cell).Row
    BaseCol = Sht.Range(Cell).Column
    If 0 < DelColumn Then
        Sht.Range(Sht.Cells(BaseRow, BaseCol), Sht.Cells(65536, BaseCol + DelColumn)).ClearContents
    End If
    If y < 0 Then Exit Function
    If FlagTransposeError Then
        Sht.Range(Sht.Cells(BaseRow, BaseCol), Sht.Cells(BaseRow + y, BaseCol + x)) = TransposeData()
        Sht.Range(Sht.Cells(BaseRow, BaseCol), Sht.Cells(BaseRow + y, BaseCol + x)) = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(data)
    End If
    Set DataCellObj = Sht.Range(Cell)
    Set DataSheetObj = Sht
    Set Output = Me
End Function

Public Sub Sort(Optional ByVal Element As Variant)
    Dim i As Long
    If VarType(Element) = vbError Then
        '引数が設定されていないと VarTypeでErrorとなるのでチェックする
        Element = Array(0)

    ElseIf IsNumeric(Element) Then
        If CLng(Element) <> Element Or Element < 0 Then
            Call Die("Sort関数の引数には、0以上の整数を指定してください")
            Element = Array(CLng(Element))
        End If
    ElseIf Not IsArray(Element) Then
        Call Die("Sortメソッドの引数は、配列を指定してください")
    End If
    For i = UBound(Element) To 0 Step -1

        Call BubbleSort(Element(i))
End Sub

Private Sub BubbleSort(ByVal Element As Long)
    Dim ChangeData As String
    Dim DataA      As String
    Dim DataB      As String
    Dim FlagChange As String
    Dim i          As Long
    Dim ii         As Long
    If Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
        FlagChange = False
        For i = 0 To UBound(data, 2) - 1
            DataA = data(Element, i)
            DataB = data(Element, i + 1)
            If DataB < DataA Then
                FlagChange = True
                For ii = 0 To UBound(data, 1)
                    ChangeData = data(ii, i)
                    data(ii, i) = data(ii, i + 1)
                    data(ii, i + 1) = ChangeData
            End If
        If FlagChange = False Then Exit Do
End Sub

Private Sub OverLapCheck(ByVal KeyIndexNumber As Long)

    Dim HashOverLap As Object
    Dim key         As String
    Dim i           As Long
    Dim ii          As Long
    Dim temp()      As String
    '** Objectの生成 **
    Set HashOverLap = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    If y = -1 Then Exit Sub
    y = -1
    For i = 0 To UBound(data, 2)
        key = data(KeyIndexNumber, i)
        If Not HashOverLap.Exists(key) Then
            HashOverLap.Add key, ""
            y = y + 1
            ReDim Preserve temp(UBound(data, 1), y)
            For ii = 0 To UBound(data, 1)
                temp(ii, y) = data(ii, i)
        End If
    ReDim data(UBound(temp, 1), UBound(temp, 2))
    data = temp
    Set HashOverLap = Nothing
End Sub